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                                       do or do not, there is no trying _)_/LI

Hey There! I am Ayush R Singh
I'm a Software Engineer, currently trading code for money at Google India .

-> A hardworking and a goal-oriented person.
-> Skilled in: Distrubed Systems (with experience in distributed storage system), Backend Engineering, and Android Development
-> I also love tinkering with hardware.

[COMPLETED] Software-Engineering Internship at Komprise
[COMPLETED] Data-Engineering Internship at Accenture

I consider myself a quick and constant learner. I can adapt to new tech-stack within a short amount of time.

I build robots in my free time, love reading books and listening to music.

  • National Institute of Technology-Agartala, India.
  • B.Tech in Electrical Engineering

    August 2018 - May 2022

    Current CGPA: 9.32/10

  • PIKA- Autonomous Robot | Tensorflow | Keras | RaspberryPi | IoT | AI |
    • PIKA is an autonomous robot that can interact with it's surrounding using Image Processing with Machine Learning. It was trained exceptionally to identify me.
    • It made use of pre-trained MTCNN to detect human faces and dlib for face identification.
    • It made use of an onboard RaspberryPi4 with a camera sensor to capture images and stream them to a local Desktop via WiFi where the trained ML model was used to classify the images.
    • It used Arduino MEGA, which was being controlled by the RaspberryPi4 through serial communication, to process data from 5 different censors and to control the motor driver.
  • LinkinJMS | Apache ActiveMQ | Apache Spark | Scala | JMS |
    • Developed a package from scratch to connect and fetch messages form ActiveMQ broker.
    • The application also supports writing messages to the topic/queue of the ActiveMQ.
    • Improved code to reduce the latency of read-write and acheive high throughput.

  • Professor-Mirror | NodeJS | Firebase | Javascript | MongoDB |
    • Worked on the backend for an application where the students can rate their professors on several parameters (Research, Interaction with students etc.)
    • The app uses MongoDB for persistent storage and Firebase to store details about Users and facilitate authentication.

  • Self Driving car for GTA-V | Tensorflow | OpenCV | Python
    • I developed a python script to drive cars in Grand Theft Auto 5 PC
    • Used transfer-learning on InceptionResNetV2 to acheive high accuracy.

  • ANARC Android App - Official app of the Robotics Club of NIT-Agartala | Kotlin | Java | XML | Firebase |
    • Developed an Android App for the ASIMOV NIT-Agartala ROBOTICS CLUB
    • The app included features like Realtime messaging, Notice Board, Components Managment, etc.

  • Google, India - Software Engineer-III
    • July 2022 – present
    • TechStack: C++, Typescript, Java, OpenTelemetry, proprietary Google technologies
    • Working on BinaryFileSystem, an exceptionally scalable and impervious file system optimized for the seamless deployment and distribution of critical binary assets inside the company.
    • Led the development and implementation of a tool that quantified the impact of Google Chrome\’s third-party cookie deprecation on all internal Google web apps. This project had significant impact and received executive approval, including the CEO\’s go-ahead. Earned a promotion within 1.2 years of joining for my contributions.
    • Designed and developed an application to extract intricate telemetry metrics from externally hosted third-party distributed systems, facilitating a comprehensive understanding of system performance dynamics.
    • Drove the architecture and implementation of a robust, highly available, and scalable backend infrastructure, responsible for the aggregation and correlation of metrics and trace spans originating from the monitored distributed systems.
    • Worked on the creation of SLA/SLO enforcing system for the third-party systems, this saves Google an est. of $2.5 million per quarter.
    • Worked on the development of a gateway system, engineered to securely transfer static content from a third-party storage repository to a secure internal storage system.
    • Collaborated as a co-author on the development of three comprehensive Technical Design Documents, demonstrating a commitment to documenting and disseminating critical engineering insights and knowledge.
  • Komprise, India - Software Engineer [Intern]
    • January 2022 – June 2022
    • TechStack: Python3, Robot Framework, Internal Komprise tools
    • Worked on the enhanchment of Komprise Automation Suite
    • Reduced the time of execution of BVT vy 87.68% using multi-threadding
  • Accenture AI, India - Data Engineer [Intern]
    • June 2021 – July 2021
    • TechStack: Python3, snowflake, RASA, Tableau, AWS S3
    • Worked on the end-to-end development of a Dashboard to analyze business statistics of E-Commerce websites.
    • Developed a chat-bot that uses Natural Language Processing to derive and display insights from the data.
    • Optimized queries for the snowflake connector, improving the data-fetching speed by 64%.
  • Tookitaki, Singapore - SDE [Intern]
    • October 2020 – January 2021
    • TechStack: Scala, ActiceMQ, Kafka, Spark-Streaming, MySQL
    • Developed a client-application to fetch messages from ActiveMQ-Broker with low latency.
    • Created a JMS-Client, from scratch, which can be clubbed with Spark-Streaming application(s).
    • Wrote Unit-TestCases for the programs.
  • Excain LLP, India - Machine Learning Engineer [Intern]
    • July 2020 – Sept 2020
    • TechStack: Python3, OpenCV, Azure-Vision
    • Worked as an Intern with the ML team of Excain LLP.
    • Developed an OCR model which could transform handwritten prescriptions to digital text.
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  • Languages - Python, C++, Java, Scala, C, JavaScript, C#, Octave, MATLAB, TypeScript
  • Web Development - HTML, CSS, jQuery, JavaScript, php, MERN stack
  • Databases - MongoDB, MS SQL Server, MySQL
  • Operating Systems - Linux , Windows, MacOS
  • Tools/Technologies - ActiveMQ, Spark, Kafka, NodeJS, React, Express, MongoDB, Django, SQL, PyTorch, Firebase, GIT, ROS and Tensorflow.
    None of them are Pokemons XD
      '._==_==_=_.'	Worldwide Rank of 776 on InterviewBit. [Information Outdated]
      .-\:      /-.	One among the 50 students selected, from all across India, for Google-ExploreML program(2019). 
     | (|:.     |) |	GeeksForGeeks Worldwide Rank- 76 with Institute Rank- 1 in Data Structures and Algorithms.
      '-|:.     |-'	4th Rank in RoboWar at IIT-GHY Techniche’19. 
        \::.    /	Indian Academy of Sciences- FAST-SF Fellowship awardee (2021).
         '::. .'	DSC-Lead of Developers Students Club - NIT-Agartala(2020-21).
           ) (		
         _.' '._	

Email: ayushsingh1315@gmail.com
LinkedIn | Github

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        .___  ___.      ___   ____    ____    .___________. __    __   _______     _______   ______   .______        ______  _______ 
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        ps: I am a big StarWars fan :D 

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